Last week we finally managed to get our two liftvan boxes out of quarantine in Brisbane.It was very exciting and I am so very happy to be reunited with my belongings and all my clothes and shoes. It has been 13 months!!! Any girl would be deadly impressed!!! I had serious shoe withdrawal symptons!
The quarantine inspection at the customs office was very daunting but the officers saw Craigs mountain bike, expertly cleaned by my dad in spite of freezing temperatures in Germany (THANKS DAD! U the best!) and from then on we had a pretty easy ride. Thank goodness! The people before us had mud on some shoe and had to pay for the cleaning and pay a fine and a reinspection. Luckily, we were just able to get it cleared and take it home. The boxes were about 2.3m high and wide and a meter deep, very awkward dimensions. Craigs nephews helped us pick them up on their UTEs. Very Australian! It was the scariest thing, those huge wonky boxes with all our worldly goods precariously balanced on the UTEs, much higher and quite a bit longer than the vehicles themselves. I keep seeing it tip over in a curve and all my lovely shoes spilled out on the street... but nothing like that happened.
Now they are here in the house and I can barely move with boxes everywhere. We are planning to start work on the kitchen later this week (Thank you IKEA!!) and after that the house will get new tiles and floors. Hence I have not really started unpacking. I will wait until after the renovations. Anyway, I must go and look at my shoe collection again...
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