Today finally, exactly 6 months after we lodged my application for Partner visa and subsequent citizenship a lovely man on a motorbike hand delivered the most important letter of the year. The Australian Government has finally granted me a
Partner Visa which means that I cannot get kicked out of the country anymore! HURRAH!
We are very happy and pleased we did not have to do any interviews or intergration tests etc. Just a waiting game. In two years time I should then get my citizenship and become Australian!
Apparently, my accent is beginning to reflect those changes already :-{
Now I have unlimited permission to work, get health benefits, free English classes and I am allowed to leave the country as well. What a relief! Not that I have any plans to do so...
Workwise, nothing much has changed. All moving very slowly here. I am expecting a third interview with a firm I would really like to work for and hope it will all go ahead. Wish me luck!